On September 25, Dr. Holt had the honor of holding a zoom live Q & A session interacting with KCU medical students. The Q & A session on LGBTQ+ health occurred after the students viewed, “Creating a Safe and Welcoming Environment for LGBTQ+ Patients.”
Many topics were discussed on how to make the healthcare setting a safe and welcoming environment, including the impact of the waiting room, intake forms, and patient interactions.
The following are written comments from attendees:
This talk will influence me to be proactive towards those I care about and let them know that I will be supportive of them no matter what and that our relationship won’t change. I also learned how to approach a patient with respect regarding the medical risks of not addressing the preventative care for the anatomy with which they were born.
Great talk.
Learned more about the topic and felt that I can apply it clinically.
I will be much more aware of my verbage. Especially using he/ him, they/them, she/her.
This talk will make me more conscious and thoughtful about how to present myself in a way that makes my patients feel like they can open up to me.
It has provided me with better knowledge of how to make the LGBTQ+ community feel more comfortable and welcomed when under my care.
Being more understanding with LGBTQIA patients.
I am really enthusiastic about finding ways to be more inclusive for the LBGTQI community in my future practice and everyday life.
I feel more prepared on how to have a conversation with a person who is conflicted with discussing sexual orientation or gender identity.
I liked that it helped me think more about these issues.
It gave me more incite on how to approach caring for LGBTQ patients.
I feel as though my education on LGBTQ is very minimal, and I would like to learn how to help make patients feel comfortable and show them I am there for them.
I really liked this Q & A. It is important to be aware of how to develop a rapport with the LGBTQ community.
These types of talks are so needed and appreciated at this school.
Great to have these topics brought up in such a transparent fashion. Definitely made me aware of how I can better treat LGBTQ+ members with respect and dignity while not compromising their quality of care.
As an LQBTQ+ ally, I found the talk very helpful and it helped me realize the importance of educating myself on LGBTQ+ patients and how I should approach their treatment and care. I really appreciate KCU giving us the opportunity to attend this lecture and learn more about LGBTQ+ issues.
I would like to see more resources on learning about the LGBTQ+ community in general. I would love to learn about some trustworthy resources (instagram accounts, books/memoirs, documentaries, etc.) that educate about the LGBTQ+ community.
It was interesting learning about how many people who are homophobic are homophobic because they are struggling with unsure gender identity themselves. I would like to also like to learn if/how this applies to people who are homophobic because of religious reasons.
Prompted me to be more sensitive and informed in how I approach patents and allowing them space to express whatever their needs are to me (be it pronouns, sexuality, exploring their identity, etc.)
Very helpful in providing opportunities for me to be more inclusive in my future practice, as well as in my day to day life. Thank you Dr. Holt!
This was a good talk that definitely had me thinking. I have never taken a gender studies course or anything and everything is so skewed with media these days. It was good to hear from a professional––straight from the horse’s mouth–– how to approach these scenarios not only in our future careers but starting today as student doctors. Thank you for your time.
I really enjoyed the lecture, very informative! |
I have definitely learned a few ways on how to be more empathetic and understanding towards patients of the LGBTQAI community in a clinical setting. I found this presentation to be very helpful and very necessary for our medical school training. Thank you so much. |
This talk was very helpful in teaching me how to create an inclusive environment for my future patients. It also was useful to get the social prompts on how to respond to patients/colleagues/ friends/ family members when they choose to share very personal information with you. |
Make sure I maintain my interest in serving LGBTQ patients and have the best environment for them at all times, including checking up on how my colleagues are treating them. |
I’m definitely going to start using pronouns in order to help make my atmosphere more welcoming and comfortable! |
Dr. Holt provided really good advice if I am to encounter LGBTQ+ patients in my future. I always want my patients to feel comfortable during their visits with me. |
I appreciate Dr. Holt giving his time to teach us about matters that are often difficult to discuss. He made sure students felt comfortable asking questions and explained how easy it can be to initiate a conversation with a friend, patient, colleague, or child. |
I wish that our school provided an optional LGBTQ health certification! Good talk! |
I never truly understood the concept of he/him–she/her–they/them until Dr. Holt pointed out the importance of making our patient’s feel welcomed. I also loved his tips on how to make our clinical a safe and welcoming place to all individuals. |
I feel a lot more prepared to care for LGBTQ patients and make them feel safe. This was incredibly important to learn and discuss before we get to treating patients. I would love to see more training like this directed at taking care of black patients, hispanic patients, Native American patients and immigrant patients in general who may speak another language, have different set of beliefs, and practice other religions that may affect how they receive care. Please Please Please have more of these. Again this was incredibly important to our education and I am very proud I received this lecture at KCU. |
There are many non–vocal/non–direct ways I can be supportive for the LGBTQ+ community in ways that are meaningful and picked up by them. I believe many healthcare professionals today (particularly from older generations) are uneasy/unequipped to talk to trans patients and what that means for them. In my personal experience, as someone with multiple friends who are non–binary, they are very open to dialogue as long as we remain professional and non judgmental. More often than not, they are the ones willing and wanting to teach us more, but we have to work harder to actively identify and change any bias we may have about the subject. |
Through this open discussion, I found there is a lot I don’t know about helping LGBTQ+ patients but I’m motivated to educate myself. I also want my patients and colleagues to feel safe in being themselves around me and I will work on being educated so that is a reality. |
I think this lecture/Q&A was very positive and productive for students. It was a safe space for students to ask questions regarding sensitive subjects before going into clerkships and potentially being confronted with uncertainty in how to care for LGBTQ patients. I feel like I am less likely to inadvertently misgender or assume a patient’s gender or sexual orientation with something as common place as pleasantries when first entering the patient room and would therefore create a more accepting and open environment for all patients. |
I really enjoyed Dr. Holt’s discussion today. I thought that it addressed very important information that hasn’t been discussed in detail previously. I also really liked the format with the pre–recorded lecture and time dedicated to answering questions. Coming from the East Coast, I feel like I knew most of the information that was discussed but Dr. Holt did an excellent job applying it to healthcare settings and creating a safe space for an open dialogue. |
I thought this session was very informative. It also helped me realize the importance of addressing patients in a manner that does not assume their gender, especially in the beginning of introducing myself. As a person born in the South, I was raised to address people as “ma’am” and “sir,” but this talk has helped me realize that this can have a negative influence on some, which is not my intention. I know this talk has influenced me to be more cognizant of that. |
I am interested in providing LGBTQ care in the future and I had not known until today when Dr Holt mentioned it, that there are LGBTQ fellowships and conferences that we could go to to learn how to provide that care. I will definitely look into this because I am very interested. |
I thought it was a very good talk. It covered many topics I had questions about. |
I learned quite a bit, thank you!! |
Taught me the importance of being sensitive and aware of my word choice, especially in professional settings like a clinic. |
It was great to have an open dialogue. It is discouraging being in rural Missouri where there are lot of homophobic/racist/sexist messaging from some people in town. It’s refreshing to see progressive medicine and kindness on display. |
I think this talk is necessary for all medical professionals and I enjoyed Dr. Holt’s candor and thoughtfulness. This talk was a great reminder and addition to things I already had learned, but also reminded me how interactions with the LGBTQ community may be more frequent than I realize. It’s important to keep these things in mind because you never know if you may or may not be doing wrong by your patients otherwise. |
I appreciated the perspective from Dr. Holt today. This helped me understand the discrimination that the LGBTQ+ community has faced and continues to face. I do not agree that anyone should be treated in that manner so I will work to help my patients feel respected by me. |
I think it makes me more aware of how LGBTQIA+ people feel when they walk into the doctor’s office and learn the ways I can help them feel more comfortable. |
I learned how to react when someone comes out to me in any setting. |
It was nice. |
It helped me think different and how to approach different scenarios. |
I will try to be more aware how I address the patient when I walk into the room. I will try to avoid using a particular pronoun or perhaps leading with my pronouns. |
It would be great if they would stop wasting time/money with bioethics. Fire all the faculty involved and pass the savings along to the students in the form of lower tuition. No one pays attention, no one cares, we are all just checking the box and biting our tongues so we can move on to more important work. |
This talk gave a broader perspective on how to approach patients that happen to be in the LGBTQ community. Coming from a conservative community, I had no guidance on how to do so. |
I personally felt like I already knew most of the information he was talking about. I definitely see the benefit of having him talk to our class because not everyone knows how to confront or acknowledge a situation of the LGBTQAI community. |
I think most of what was discussed in Dr. Holt’s talk has been previously discussed in our PCM courses. However, I appreciated how he elaborated on how to handle advising patients on standard of care in a way that makes them feel supported instead of insulted. |
I thought this talk was very informative. A lot of times when things are not directly in front of us we will not think about it. I really liked it. |
I will think about how I address patients and how it can make them feel. |
It was good to learn about a particular community from somebody who identifies with that community. It gives me confidence to know that some of my thoughts regarding creating a safe space were validated by someone like Dr. Holt. |
I learned lots of valuable things from Dr. Holt’s video and also his talk. I feel that I already have a solid awareness and acceptance of my LGBTQ peers, but now I feel like I have more tools of how to be an ally as a physician. |
I wish we would have gone into more detail about more specific stuff like how to help pt with dysphoria. |
I felt so insipired by the work that Dr. Holt does. I realized that it really only takes a small conversation to make people feel comfortable discussing life altering things. He reminded me that this work is difficult and won’t be perfect. I have a lot to learn about this community and providing the best health care possible for them. I will mess up, but Dr. Holt reminded me to be a life long learner, to make all feel welcome in my practice, and to be humble enough to admit my short comings. |
I really wish Dr. Holt would have talked more about our homosexual and bisexual patient population. I am in no way trying to belittle the importance of the transgender population, but we will most likely encounter more homosexual and bisexual patients than transgender patients and I really wish this was stressed more. Especially in regard to our pediatric, adolesecent patients. I wish he would’ve explored this a little further and potentially even talked about the legality of being able to talk to a minor alone without their parents present and how to verbalize support. |
I will make more of an effort to outwardly support LGBTQ+ patients by making sure I’m wearing a rainbow pin and inspecting waiting rooms I work at. |
Sensitivity to LGBTQAI community. |
Great talk! It felt like such an open discussion about LGBTQ+ community. |
Just to be more open minded about the world around me. More important to show love and learn about others than judging. |
It was good– I enjoyed it. |
It motivated me to learn more effective communication strategies when speaking to LGBTQ+ patients. |
Being mindful and sensitive of the way we communicate and treat people. |
It made me more aware of how to communicate with my patients and make them feel more at ease. I had little knowledge of lgbtq before this talk, so i am very appreciative of this knowledge. |
This will help me to understand the challenges facing my LGBTQ+ patients and it has made me more prepared to treat them holistically. I was very unsure about the appropriate way to address many of these issues and I would have gone onto rotations and likely upset many patients simply due to a lack of education. It opened up a door to good conversations with my classmates that continued well after the presentation. I am very grateful for the opportunity to listen and ask questions of Dr. Holt. He was very good about opening the floor to all topics and by making it a required lecture I think more students engaged than would have even attended otherwise. |
It gave me guidance as to how to approach important topics as I transition into clinicals. |
I felt that the conversation was dominated by people too worried about small details. Dr. Holt did well to educate on general treatment to help us going forward and the conversation was dominated by overly specific examples. |
I think this was my favorite bioethics lecture because I could see how knowing how to properly address someone who is LGBTQ+ or has not come out is a major tool for doctors. I didn’t realize how detrimental it could be for someone not to come out. As docs, we have to make sure this community’s needs are being met. I’m happy my school educates on this very real and very important topic we will definitely encounter in our professional careers and life in general! |
Overall, I thought this was a very interesting and helpful conversation. I loved your input on how to structure responses. |
How to approach situations. I think this is the hardest part as a human being, how to connect. It is difficult to allow people to be themselves and feel comfortable in a professional and intimate environment (the doctors office). Therefore, I loved hearing how you would approach situations. |
It opened my eyes to the many facets and nuances of LGBTQ care that I had not considered coming from a place of privilege. |
This really opened my eyes. Dr. Holt mentioned a lot of different ways to be more welcoming to the LGBTQAI community that I have never thought of. I appreciate Dr. Holt taking time to teach us how to be better physicans! |
I don’t have enough good things to say about this. Thank you for your courage and hard work Dr. Holt, I can only imagine what you go through with regularity in order to continue this noble work. Also, thank you to KCU for not only providing this education, but also making it mandatory. I think those who are less excited about this subject are those who need it most and I could not be more proud of our school’s decision to address such a huge health disparity that is often overlooked. As someone who has never struggled with my sexuality or gender, I think it is super important for me to be exposed to these types of presentations in order to open my eyes to a situation that I have been fortunate to have never personally deal with. |
I really appreciated the perspective this provided– I consider myself an ally and was happy to learn of specific actions I could take to make a more inclusive atmosphere for my peers and future patients. |
I think I will be more mindful in my use of “hey guys!” Yes sir or yes ma’am. |
It will help me treat better LGBTQ patients |
As an LGBTQ KCU student this talk helped me to feel like KCU is taking my identity more seriously in a medically underserved context. It helped me to see my peers engage in thoughtful questioning around a topic so important to me. |
I thought this was a very helpful presentation to get the ball rolling on understanding how best to help patients who are transgender or gay. I think it did a good job of making you think about a lot of the trauma and difficulties that these individuals are faced with and how it impacts their health. By being exposed to it I believe it will help me as a future physician to be aware of that and what I can do. I hope to get more training on this in the future whether that be at KCU or in my years of practice. |
The talk was informative. I was unsure about how to approach LGBTQ patients but this talk did help to answer many of the questions I had. |
I feel like it opened my eyes a bit about being more willing to share my pronouns. Like some other students, even though I think of myself as an ally, I get nervous about stating my pronouns out of fear of aggravating patients who may not understand or agree. But perhaps if we all try and normalize speaking up about it, it’ll make it easier on everyone. |
Good reminder to be more discerning and considerate when interacting with others. |
I appreciated Dr. Holt’s comments and they make me want to be more accessible as a physician to all people and be less judgmental. Yet, I feel that this presentation was also biased. It presented one opinion and did not discuss really any of the controversial topics such as how 30 percent of people who undergo trans–surgery regret their decision a year later. I would’ve appreciated a more open and transparent dialogue. This question is something I really want to learn about, but this presentation did not make me feel safe to ask anything that could make someone feel offended or uncomfortable. I feel that if I disagree with anything that is said, I am made to feel like a bigot or discriminatory when I actually have a positive relationship with family members who are members of the LGBTQ+ community. Again though, Dr. Holt, thank you for your time. I really appreciate it. You have an important message to deliver. |
Has made me more aware of using gender neutral pronouns with every new patient every time, using introductions such as I’m “Student Dr. Krzak, I use pronouns she and her, what pronouns should I use when communicating with you.” |
I thought this was a really good talk. I think there are a lot of people out there who consider themselves allies, but are uncertain of how best to show that and help in our future practices. I think you did a lot to help provide insight into how we might best be able to go about doing so. |
Before this talk, I hadn’t realized that something as simple as wearing a rainbow pin on my coat/scrubs could help LGBTQ patients feel more comfortable opening up and feeling represented in clinic. I will definitely be more conscientious of how I carry myself in my professional and personal life moving forward. |
I’ll be far more careful to not use assumed gender pronouns. |
As a member of the LGBT community it was validating to have this conversation and hear my peers and colleagues responding so well and openly to something that is not so well received in many parts of the country. |
It gave me a good sense of how to open these kinds of conversations, which is often the hardest part. |
This is one of the more important talks and topics we could and should encounter throughout our medical education. Dr. Holt delivered lessons that could not be learned on our own, and without them throughout our careers, it would negatively impact our patients health and well–being. |
This talk was extremely influential in my ability to serve, not just patients in the LGBTQ+ community, but all of my patients. Being mindful of my questions and inclusive language. Serving as a hopefully trusted physician. There’s nothing Iwould want more to ensure my patients receive the utmost respect and this presentation equipped me with the ability to do so. |
Positive influence on me and something that should be addressed to all future professionals in any field not just medicine. Also educated me on certain topics and ways to show respect. |
Dr. Holt was incredible and really enjoyed his talk. He taught us about approaching various types of patients |
Made me more aware of LGBT issues in healthcare. |
This talk needs to happen every year. I think it will change the way i run my practice in the future and how i will talk to lgbt patients. |
I will be very cautious in conversations because there are so many ways a straight, white, hetero, cis–gendered male can mess up. Even with the greatest of intentions, one accident could cause your patient to label your action as ignorance or negligence or harassment and tarnish your reputation in a small community of LGBTQ patients in a rural area. |
This talk influenced me because it made me realize how aware I have to be when talking about gender etc. |
To be more mindful when addressing my patients |
Overall this talk will influence me in a very positive way because I have never had formal discussions on the LGBTQAI community, and I am grateful Dr. Holt took the time to share his perspective. There is much I have to learn but I feel I have a better understanding today than I did yesterday, and that’s what truly matters. |
I think this talk was incredibly important for today’s youth especially, who may need a safe space while growing up as a member of the LGBTQIA community. We as future physicians have a responsibility to foster a safe space for all our patients, and understanding their struggles will help us to do so. |
I have always considered myself an ally to the LGBTQ+ community and friends, but this talk was eye opening to how many barriers there still are in our own healthcare system. I will strive to be a place of comfort and safety for my future patients, and it was educational to hear Dr. Holt’s insights and experiences. |
I am so grateful to have had Dr. Holt come talk to us and answer our questions. It was very eye–opening, and I learned a lot about things I had never even thought of. I think what he spoke about was something every medical student needs to be educated in, so I am glad that KCU provided this opportunity and hope to see even more in the future. |
Learned how to respect people in the way they want to be respected |
Dr. Holt’s lecture was amazing. I liked the conversational tone to it, and that he wasn’t just reading off power point slides. This LGBT+ talk was so important, and I learned a lot about how to interact with this patient demographic so I can be as accepting and supportive as I can be. We should have more lectures on this topic. |
It has made me more aware of the issues that LGBTQ+ people face, and I especially learned more about trans people and how to avoid misgendering someone. |
I think this talk was very informative. I believe it is important to receive education regarding LGBTQ healthcare so that we are better prepared to work with the understanding of the unique challenges the people in this community face. |
It makes you feel more humbled in this profession when you can acknowledge that everyone matters no matter who they are. |
I thought this was very helpful because I do not have a background in LBTBQ matters, but I know I will have to be better when I am a physician and this felt like a good place for me to start learning. |
It is always a joy and honor to hear and learn from Dr. Holt. As a gay medical student, I am so glad that KCUMB is taking the time to include his expertise in our curriculum. Dr. Holt did an incredible job in his pre–recorded lecture giving a step– by–step process of simple tasks to take to make LGBTQIA+ patients feel cared for and welcomed. In his live Q&A session he was wonderful at answering questions in a respectful and simple way. The theme always being how to open doors and be respectful, allowing space for LGBTQIA+ patients to share their whole selves if they chose. |
It was a great talk and I learned a lot. |
I’m on the executive board for SAFEE and we talk a lot about how to be inclusive and make LGBTQ students feel safe on campus, but it was really helpful to see what this can look like in our future practice with patients! |
It will help me better understand and address my future patients appropriately. |
I think the talk was informative about giving us information about how to specifically approach conversations with patients who identify with the LGBTQ community. It will definitely influence me in my clinical years and into my career as a physician as I feel I will have a better understanding on how to respectfully AND confidently approach a somewhat under discussed topic. |
I appreciated learning how to approach someone I’m concerned about and how to “open the door” to them to help them feel ready to talk to me if they ever need to do so. It’s important to make a safe environment for all of those who we care about and leave the door open for them to talk whenever they’re ready.
How to approach patients in a open manner.
How to apologize when I accidentally misspeak. I will obviously not try to ever do so, but I think it is good to learn that.
Really just how to be more thoughtful and purposeful with my actions and how to be a welcoming person for people to come to.
It’s extremely important to create a welcoming and accepting environment for the LGBTQ+ community in all aspects of practice. From the waiting room to the information form to your interactions with the patient. We as physicians need to care for everyone regardless of their gender or sexual orientation, but also be sensitive and understanding of the inequalities present in today’s society.
Using the intake forms to open doors.
How to do an introduction when speaking to a trans patient. I was actually in this situation Wednesday and thought I did fine, but I am excited to incorporate his suggestions in the future. His suggestions give me confidence, which I hope will translate into a less stressful experience for the patient because I seem less uncomfortable discussing it with them.
It helped me to be more mindful how to approach a person struggling with their sexual orientation/gender identity. It is a sensitive topic and I am grateful for how to better understand both how to best understand and make them feel welcome.
How to respectfully speak with all groups of patients.
Honestly, just the golden rule. Treat your patients how you would want to be treated.
That how your workplace environment can affect how people feel. Will make sure to get those rainbow lapels and have flags around to show my support and care. Also about how to address myself and my pronouns to open up conversation for them to say their preferences.
The importance of pronouns and how important it is to be an ally.
I had reservations about wearing a rainbow pin in the past but when I realized how many patients I could help I’m now totally on board!
Being inclusive is possible if we take the time to learn and practice mindfulness and respect.
I learned how to allow patients to get their foot in the door and be comfortable discussing gender issues.
Wording on how to respond to someone who is coming out to me.
How to give the patient their own space to address their sexual orientation, preferences and identity to me.
Being inclusive can literally save lives. Considering that is one of our ultimate goals as physicians, it should absolutely be incorporated into healthcare everywhere. Always.
Never assume. I also learned how to go about properly bringing up pronouns to my patient without having to directly ask or subtly ask (i.e. supportive posters, pins, brochures, etc). I hope I can work in an environment where this vigilance is offered.
If an underage patient comes out to you (their physician) or informs you that they are transitioning, we should not tell their parents and should have a safe conversation with the patient and build rapport. I wasn’t sure how to approach a situation in which there is disagreement between the patient and their family but this presentation has given me better insight on how to maintain the patient’s privacy, especially on such a personal and important topic as their identity. Thank you so much.
Social prompts. Remembering to thank a patient for sharing with you and that you feel honored that they feel comfortable and safe sharing and asking what can I do to help you in this journey.
Give your patients time and space to come to their own conclusions of coming out, making certain medical decisions, etc.
I learned how to be more supportive to sensitive issues regarding LGBTQ patients and how to address those issues in a professional, understanding and accepting matter.
Always make the patient feel as comfortable as possible and let the patient feel inclusive. It is important for patients to have autonomy over their body and any choices regarding their health.
I took the most from his opening remarks about how to make patients feel more comfortable. I think that is the most important thing and then working together with the patient to guide future care so that I am able to provide them the best care possible.
Creating a welcoming environment is paramount in opening the door to conversation and ultimately equitable healthcare. |
The most important thing I learned was to be honest with patients if I do not know the proper medicine and to apologize if I use wrong terminology. |
How to create a safe trusting environment for all of my patients including LGBTQ patients. How to be inclusive with all patients. |
More ways to be LGBTQ friendly that in no way could someone with differing opinions could call unprofessional. |
Except people for who they are and allow them to come out to you on their own time. Show unwavering support and compassion but never force someone in the LGBTQ+ community to do something if they are uncomfortable or not ready. |
To be open and receptive in the discussion of health care with LGBTQ patients and allow them to determine and guide the conversation without neglecting aspects of care that may be uncomfortable to discuss. |
Inclusivity can save lives. |
The most important thing I learned from Dr. Holt’s presentation is several ways that I can introduce myself or address LGBTQAI patients in a respectful and polite way. I know I plan on using these tools moving forward to provide the best care I possibly can to my patients and to do so in a respectful and inclusive way to all. |
I learned how to be open–minded and how to create a supportive and welcoming environment for LGBTQ people. |
To try and provide a safe haven for those even if others around me are not as tolerant. Even small signs of support like a pin are important. |
I especially learned more about the various options Trans people have and their varied levels of interest in pursuing all the options out there. I also learned a bit about not pressuring people from different aspects of my life to come out of the closet if unready. |
Don’t make assumptions. |
When in doubt, explain your own pronouns. Always affirm, thank, and leave open the possibility of dialogue in the future for patients that might not be out yet. |
The most important thing I took from the presentation was a good way to be open and subtly invite patients to share these very personal things with me. Also, his advice on how to handle things like transphobia and homophobia in a professional setting was valuable. |
To treat members of the LGBTQ+ community with respect . |
That it’s possible to incorporate some easy changes to my introduction to instantly help someone feel more comfortable talking to me. |
Making people feel comfortable. |
Be respectful. |
Info on non–binary patients. |
I learned to always thank people who trust you enough to come out to you. |
Knowing that if an LGBTQ individual came to you to confide and tell you that they are coming out the closet, show love no matter what internal quarrel you have inside of you. |
Be considerate and remember that they are the one’s going through this and the situation is much more awkward/difficult/etc. for them then it is for you to listen to them. |
I think Dr. Holt did a good job of providing us with some interview techniques for LGBTQ patients that are direct, respectful and useful for eliciting information from the patient without making the patient feel uncomfortable. |
Is that we have to make people feel comfortable from the first intro, or else they may wall off. |
That its ok to not know everything and that being upfront and honest about my limited knowledge can often times be enough to create the comfort I am aiming to provide. |
Prior to Dr. Holt’s explanation, I did not understand the importance of wearing a rainbow pin on the lapel. I now see how a gesture such as that can be a good way of opening the door to possibilities for individuals who are seeking that opportunity. It is that amongst the other gestures that he recommends that I will take away with me and utilize in the future. |
He has good advice, but I already knew most of it. But I’m glad my classmates were able to learn more. I thought most of what we talked about was basic knowledge by now but I guess society still has some catching up to do. |
There is a cultural competency that physicians should strive for concerning all people groups, including LGBTQ. We, as future physicians, have an opportunity to reduce healthcare disparities in LGBTQ populations by becoming informed and making changes in our approach – administrative, clinical, and interpersonal – to benefit LGBTQ patients in the days ahead. |
Making a patient feel comfortable to talk about their gender identity can begin with something so simple––sharing my own pronouns. I also learned how important it is to thank a patient for sharing the challenges with gender identity and sexual orientation that they are experiencing. |
I really liked the part about his approach of verbalizing support but never pushing someone too hard, by letting them know you are there but not overwhelming them. |
Making sure not to out someone before they’re ready and to just let them know you’ll be there for them no matter what. |
Treating each individual. |
How much I need to learn in order to provide the best care for patients identifying as LGBTQ+. |
The importance of not making assumptions. Ask questions to get to know patients never assume they are a certain way. Show them openness so they feel comfortable communicating with you. |
How important making the waiting room lgbt friendly is. |
It is important for the initial introduction with the patient to be LGBTQ+ welcoming and not assuming they conform to one specific gender. Assuming a patient to be from a specific gender can shut down further communication with the patient and discourage them from talking about their true problems. |
Practical skills on how to respectfully address people without making assumptions about their identification. |
How to make my patients feel more at ease. |
That we have a long way to go yet. |
How to navigate working with transgender patients, ask questions, and address their needs. I didn’t realize that most of us have been using terms and speech patterns that could be disrespectful or disaffirming unintentionally. I and many of my classmates made assumptions about transgender healthcare that were inaccurate and could have proven harmful to our patient relationships. |
How to approach someone who is having difficulty coming out. |
Acceptance and support are crucial. |
I learned not to assume someone is or is not out. I realize now that it is a conversation I should be open and ready to have with my patient, but I should never try to push someone into that conversation if they are not ready. That can be equally detrimental to their trust in doctors and people generally. Making an LGBTQ+ individual feel welcome from the moment they walk into the clinic is also important. I know now when and how to speak up if I feel my preceptor or hospital system I’m working in should do more to be inclusive. |
How to structure conversations. I don’t always choose the right words, the right sentences and my responses do not always come off meaning well, even though I do. Therefore, helping me understand what words to choose, what phrases to use was more helpful than anything. I would love documents on this, perhaps scenarios and how you would have a conversation. Something, we could retain and have on hand as a tool to look back at. I loved your three scenarios and it would be great to have these along with perhaps others that you have thought of or come across throughout the years with feedback on how to approach them, helpful dialog, etc. Thanks for the talk. |
I was armed with explanations to those out there that dismiss homosexuality and transgenderism as disease and disorder rather than a state of being that a person is born into. |
Really expressing how to start a appointment with an opening that makes any patient feel welcomed, even when you are confronted with someone who is older. I think that was the thing that I took away the most because I really do not like confrontation. |
When Dr. Holt described how to set the stage for someone to come out, he always ended it with “and then drop it” and I think that was really important and something I learned. I tend to overspeak when I am trying to let people know I am being genuine with them, and I would have probably done the same in this instance, had I not learned from Dr. Holt. Giving an uncomfortable person the reigns and complete control over the situation is very important and Dr. Holt helped me to more effectively do that. |
I wanted to learn more about approaching transgender patients, respecting their decisions and providing my best clinical suggestions for them. I appreciated that perspective on how to navigate these situations. |
You have to make your patients feel comfortable in every aspect if you’re going to gain their trust. |
How vital it is to be respectful to LGBTQ and how to do it. |
As an LGBTQ student at KCU, this talk served as a nice refreshing look at where my classmates are but that they approach this with kindness and genuine curiosity and not malice of judgement. I especially loved his point about internalized homophobia possibly being the reason someone might be hostile about LGBT issues in a patient setting. |
I believe the most Important thing I learned was about how beneficial it is to these individuals to set the stage for allowing them to talk about their problems and issues or to even open up and be who they are and I think everyone deserves that respect and opportunity to be able to speak for themself and be themself. This will lead to the best care and self–care that these individuals may need. |
The most important thing is to let the patient know they are in charge of how much they want to divulge about their sexuality. It is a sensitive topic so being patient, respectful, and supportive will go a long way in helping to build a better bond between physician and patient. |
How closely LGBTQAI patients look for clues about whether they’ll be supported when they go to a doctors office. |
That some of my classmates are concerning. |
I will be less likely to assume that people ascribe to the gender of their assigned sex at birth. |
To keep a level head and be respectful at all times. People just want to be respected. I got some valuable information regarding dealing with homophobic patients and Physicians/hospital staff. I myself am pansexual, meaning I am attracted to people regardless of sex and gender identification. So I find it hard to believe that people are still not tolerant of others just on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender preference. It is important to be aware of who you are talking to, who you share private information with, and when to relate to patients to make them feel more comfortable communicating with you. |
It’s almost the subtle things that matter most. Like you said several times, just having something on the walls of an office that indicates it is an accepting environment, expanding the “gender field” on intake forms to be more inclusive, using pronouns in email signature or when introducing yourself, or even just wearing a pin on your lapel! It’s best just to show that you know and care so those who need that can see it and open up when they feel comfortable enough to do so. |
I’ve learned that passive support is the child of inaction. I learned this not directly from Dr. Holt’s presentation, but from self–reflection after the discussion. |
The negative impact of gender assumption. |
How to be more aware and inclusive of LGBTQ patients. |
People want to be open and respectful and it’s important to remember people make mistakes and the best way to help is to remain open minded and politely educate. |
How to engage with a person I have unintentionally offended. |
1. Thank your patients for trusting you with their care or sharing sensitive information such as LGBTQ status. 2. Create an environment and healthcare model that is welcoming and beneficial to everybody including the LGBTQ community. |
Something as simple as my own introduction and the inclusion of my pronouns with my introduction can go such a long way in the comfort level of my patient. |
How to be a better physician and treat/communicate better with the LGBTQAI community. |
How to approach various patients and be respectful to people’s perspectives. |
To show empathy with LGBT patients with open and thoughtful communication. |
How to show lgbt acceptance in a practice. |
To do my best to be inclusive and approach LGBTQ patients with extreme caution. It’s a little scary to be labeled as a bad guy before you have a chance to help out a patient. I don’t think an accidental misuse of a pronoun would change the quality of care I would give a person. I am afraid that because I don’t identify with the community, it feels as though it is predetermined that I would treat an LGBTQ patient as a lesser. How does one overcome that? |
Is to say thank you first when someone chooses to come out to you. |
Even the smallest details can prevent a patient from opening up to you so be mindful. |
I think the most important thing I learned from Dr. Holt was simply how much patients value the trust and honesty in the physician–patient relationship. I truly want to care for a patient in all aspects of their life, not only their physical health, and a patient knowing they can trust me will be crucial. |
The most important thing I learned was how impactful small gestures in my future (such as a pride pin or flag, or magazines) would allow future patients to feel comfortable and welcome, and make their visit easier for them. |
Just being open and honest and sincere with your patients. Letting them know that you TRULY care about them, no matter what. I have a rainbow flag pin on my white coat already, and it makes me feel good inside knowing that this is one small thing I can do to make my future patients feel safe and protected with me. |
The most important thing I learned is that you need to build trust with your LGBTQ patients by being open and accepting. Little things like wearing a rainbow badge, having inclusive intake forms, and having positive posters and pamphlets are very beneficial, and I hope to always keep these things in mind. |
How to create an accepting environment for LGBT+ patients, how to use proper pronouns, and how to enable them to open up to me about coming out. We also discussed transgender topics, which was very informative as I have never learned about that in school. |
How to make my future practice an affirmative space. |
How to make trans patients and gender nonconforming patients feel welcomed in my office. |
Just be accepting and how to speak to patients to make them more comfortable. |
I learned that the most important thing to do was to make the patient feel accepted regardless of my ability to answer questions they may need answered. |
I have three things I learned: 1. Social scripts; 2. Apologizing; 3. Referral. 1. My favorite tools from Dr. Holt are the social scripts that he provides. Often times, many of my fellow med students have the desire to follow their Osteopathic Oath and do no harm, but they don’t know what to say or what not to say to keep patients feeling safe. Dr. Holt’s simple social scripts of how to introduce yourself with your pronouns, how to open the door for people to come out, and how to react when people come out to you are all invaluable tools to help care for LGBTQIA+ people. His advice on genderless language is useful as well. I think many people would benefit from a written version or book of these social scripts. Additionally, if med students could have a workshop where they practice using these social scripts, that would be the perfect opportunity to lay the groundwork for practice. 2. Dr. Holt’s explanation of the power of apologizing when offending patients is advice that goes for all patients, but is especially valuable for LGBTQIA+ patients. It’s all about recognizing the patient’s existence is valid and respected. Apologizing and working to not make the same mistake in the future is very powerful. 3. Advising to refer to other experts in LGBTQIA+ health for patient needs that providers may feel uncomfortable with or feel is out of their wheelhouse is a HUGE benefit. This means that the patient still gets the treatment that they need and the provider can still show respect and care for the patient. |
How to create an open and welcoming environment for LGBTQI+ patients. |
I really liked the “I’m Dr Holt and my pronouns are he/him. And you are?” I’ve struggled on the actual wordage for this kind of introduction. For sure using this in the future. |
How to address my future patients properly and how to make them comfortable to talk to me. |
How to phrase questions. I think it’s just as important in how to phrase a statement or question to a patient no matter if you have good intentions. If the statement or question is phrased in an accusatory or closed minded manner, it will definitely make the patient feel isolated and they won’t return to you for medical care. Overall, I was disappointed with the way this topic was presented. I am someone who identifies as LGBTQ+, but most of my loved ones think that it is wrong. Therefore, I am uniquely aware of the driving forces behind both perspectives. This presentation was very one sided. It centered on reprogramming oneself to accommodate the feelings that someone may or may not have. Not only is that difficult to navigate, as was demonstrated by all the specific situational questions from students, it is also very subjective and dividing. I believe that rather than fostering an “us vs. them” mentality, this topic could be better addressed by encouraging EVERYONE to use respectful communication and demonstrate a gracious heart during interactions with ALL people. For example, I know that my name is difficult to pronounce. When people say it incorrectly, do I get upset? Certainly not. I politely correct them. I understand that my name is strange, that they do not know me personally, and therefore I have no reason to get upset. In the same way, someone that prefers to be called they/them should acknowledge that their pronouns are out of the ordinary. If someone refers to them as “she”, then they can politely correct the individual knowing that the other person did not know their preference and meant no harm. There are things worth getting upset over, but innocent mistakes are not one of them. We have to meet in the middle on this, or we will never find peace. Also, I want you to know that every time the word “homophobe” was used in this presentation my heart sank. That word is a negative slur just like any other, and it separates people more than it brings us together. I hate the abuse that LGBTQ+ people have had to suffer at the hands and mouths of strangers or even family. We are understandably bitter and feel the need to belittle those who hurt us. But now, as the LGBTQ+ community is gaining a public voice, we have an incredible opportunity to practice what we preach: Love. For everyone– even those who disagree with our lifestyle. I know it is difficult, but I am saying the same thing to my friends and family that think being gay is wrong. We can disagree and still interact with kindness, forgiveness, and respect because every human being deserves it! Thank you. I have positive and negative comments. First, it was so wonderful to gain insight into the realities of healthcare disparities among LBGTQ patients in order to operate as mediators and champions of acceptance and promoters of vitality in this vulnerable population. Dr. Holt offers a perspective that is valuable in understanding the needs and dispositions of this demographic. However, there were several points in the talk where the speaker made comments/judgements regarding the perspectives and “privilege” of people who do not understand or subscribe to his approach. To indirectly and directly convey that people who hold perspectives outside of this minority view are “privileged” is by definition implicit bias. There are ways, for example, that a conservative person of faith can create a space of genuine acceptance, love and trust–borne openness in these situations that does not require wearing LGBTQ pins (which have inherent political connotations outside of patient advocacy) or emphasis on utilizing pronoun use (valuable and important for many, but not relevant to all patients or practitioners). It is my view that this talk fell short of taking into consideration the views and [different yet] professional perspectives of future physicians who do not subscribe to all facets of the LGBTQ movement or liberal political positions. The perspective offered by the speaker is AN approach, and one that for many will resonate strongly. However, it is not THE only approach, and there were many perspectives that were not consider in this talk, some of which, when brought to the speakers attention, were met with implicit bias. This talk will influence me by helping to reinforce the understanding surrounding the needs of LGBTQ patients, and to be especially mindfully of perspectives and opportunities to make LGBTQ patients feel safe and cared for. With that said, in my view, the talk still contains implicit bias toward other equally professionally positions. |