CCSF 3-17-18

LGBT Medical Case Scenarios: An Experiential Learning Perspective

The presentation consisted of reviewing LGBT medical case scenarios through the lens of medical interpreter students. The class divided into small breakout groups, which allowed an experiential learning perspective. After discussing a particular case as a smaller group, the group would present the case to the whole audience with Dr. Holt as the facilitator.

The audience consisted of medical interpretor students. Afterwards we had a book signing for both of the books PRIDE, which were donated to the students using prize money received from Dr. Holt for being an invited  audience member for the 60th birthday show taping of the Ellen DeGeneres Show.

Audience feedback/impact of this presentation:

Extremely well put together scenarios relevant to real life situations that occur. I learned don’t assume, use the same terminology used by the person, and show sensitivity to all genders. – M

This class with Dr. Holt is really helpful and useful to understand what is going on in the LGBTQ community. I’m so glad to learn how to interact with LGBTQ people, how I can be closer to them, and how I can help them. – F

Good open-minded discussion for me. I would never know how to deal with this issue without this class. I learned how to ask questions appropriately that related to sexual orientation. – F

I learned the differences between sex and gender, use their terms in clinical settings, and use open-ended language. Respect their gender choice and never assume. – F

I learned how to properly address trans people. Suicide attempt rate is scary. I’ve always considered myself open-minded, but I learned more. – M

Very informative. Learned the best approach to refer to someone from the LGBTQ community. – M

Vert informative. Some scenarios complex and challenging to unpack in a short session. However; provided a crash-course on important issues. – F

Discussing all different case studies lend me to learn more specific ideas and notions about LGBTQ. I learned how to react or respond and be “opened up” in coming out situations. – F

Good info. Very educational. Be sensitive to patient needs. – F

Very informative. I learned very much. This topic is very complex. I learned that I know nothing or very little about gender. – M

Love the case studies as a learning modality. Also case studies are relevant to interpreters. Thank you for making your time available to us. Please continue what you do. I learned to be inclusive, maintain a safer zone, and create a safe personal space. – M

I’m so happy to have had the experience to learn more about the LGBTQ community. Thank you so much! Don’t identify someone’s sexual orientation by their physical appearance. Learned to open the door to help others in need and make them feel welcome. – F

I learned a lot from this lecture. Learned how to communicate with trans. I learned how to assist trans in medical setting. – M

They were eye-opening and educational cases. I feel empowered to work with LGBTQIA community in a helpful and understanding way in the future. Never ever assume! I will consciously and actively do my best to respect people that I  encounter. I will apologize if I make any mistakes and be affirmative, supportive and thankful when someone discloses their stories. – F

I learned to treat others with respect. This section is not just for LGBT patients, but applies to all other patients who are struggling with something difficult to deal with. – F

It is a good lecture. I learned how to address people who are trans. I am OK with someone who is trans and will treat them equally. – F