LGBTQ+ Medical Case Scenarios: An Experiential Learning Perspective
This presentation reviewed LGBTQ+ medical case scenarios through the lens of medical interpreter students at City College of San Francisco. Each of the students read and studied three LGBTQ+ themed vignettes and associated discussion points before and during class. This allowed for a robust, highly interactive three hour class discussion over zoom on how medical interpreters can collaborate with clinicians to provide more culturally competent care to the LGBTQ+ community.
The audience consisted of medical interpreter students.
Audience written feedback/impact of this presentation:
Educating the public on LGBTQ issues helps dispel falsehoods, prejudices, and sterotypes. Empathy and compassion are important to acquire because they foster an inclusive worldview that respects and values the full range of gender identities. Now that I’m more knowledgeable, I realize I can be more empathetic while also promoting a more inclusive mindset by addressing someone respectfully without assuming their gender or using gendered language. One example is to ask the person how they prefer to be addressed. One small thing I can do to help people feel secure and welcome is to include my pronoun on my name badge. Today’s activity expanded my understanding and potential for fostering empathy, inclusivity, and a greater awareness to the specific challenges that some people confront. Everything I gained by listening to your presentation enables me to help create a more friendly and inclusive social atmosphere for everyone, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.
Very insightful and powerful presentation. I appreciate your courage in sharing your personal experience. I know you are changing many lives with the way you are educating and motivating other people who may be unsure and scared about coming out.
Engaging speaker: emotional connection, interesting topics, high energy, informational content, practical advice, and reasonable demand from students. Made me consider things I had never thought of and see them in a clear light. I really enjoyed this talk and hope more people (especially in the healthcare industry) but really everywhere, get to have access to this kind of information at some point. Things I learned: Sexual orientation is based on gender identity, not the sex born with; if their gender identity changes through life so does sexual orientation and we need to meet the patient at whatever stage of life they are in; queer is an umbrella term and often does not give a specific answer for gender identity or sexual orientation and that is okay; using the term “trans” is more appropriate since it does not discriminate against people who choose not to get full top and bottom surgeries. I now know how to open the door for other people to feel free to show me their true self if they so decide.
The vignettes were really powerful examples that should be more considered/practiced amongst health care professionals and interpreters who work directly with patients. My biggest take away from Dr. Holt’s presentation was the all encompassing definition of queer and how it can vary person to person. Something else that I learned was that someone’s sexual orientation is based on their gender identity, not their sex. Dr. Holt’s presentation opened my eyes to the importance of allowing people to share their feelings freely about their sexual identity/orientation rather than asking questions. It is more valuable to listen and let someone know that there is no shame or condemnation of their feelings.
Thank you for being passionate about teaching people about the LGBTQIA+ community. It was incredible to hear your coming out story and what you overcame just to be who you are. I appreciate the case studies that you provided for our class; they were insightful into real life situations that I may encounter as a healthcare interpreter and provider. During the class session I learned most about the potential health disparities that LGBT+ members can experience when seeking care. I have often focused on the health disparities that my racial group experiences, that I had never paid attention to other marginalized groups like LGBT+ communities. I also learned to never assume someone’s sexual orientation or their partner’s gender based on their relationship status. A man could be married to a cisgender woman, but it does not mean they are straight; they could also have sexual relations with people with a penis. Someone could also believe that they are straight, while they enjoy having sex with someone of the same gender. Working in the health field, this is something I can think about when asking assessment questions that are relevant to someone’s sex life.
I thought it was good to know more in-depth experiences about LGBTQIA+ community. I think the questions at the end for discussion also let me learn about different perspectives and give me ideas on how to handle an interpreting encounter. Also, I like how there are examples of what to say if someone wants to come out and how to create a more comfortable environment for them. I think even if I mean well when the situation comes up, I might not be sure about what to say, so I glad we went over that. It is good to know about the suicide rates because it inspires me to be more inclusive and aware when interpreting. I’m glad to know the difference between sex and gender now because I actually thought they meant the same until now. I am also glad that one of my Chinese cohort asked about the term queer because we ended up asking the language coaches about the term and they told us this term that was more socially acceptable in modern days. Also, they gave us Chinese articles about LGBTQIA+ which also very informative. I will remember to ask for pronouns if my client is LGBTQIA+. Also, be more aware about pronouns and not assume based on appearance. Also, I think if others are being insensitive to my LGBTQIA+ patient/client, then I will try intervene gracefully.
This presentation made a great impact on how I serve the LGBTQ community. It is important to be respectful and not assume a person wants to be addressed a certain way or is automatically comfortable answering intake questions. I also want to be a great friend and a safe person in the case that someone does chose to come out to me. Recently a son of a very close family friend came out to his family. I went to Middle School with his older brother and so I knew him as a baby and his growing years. I question if there were signs or opportunities that I missed where he could have felt safe to come out. I think I needed this presentation years ago in order to open that door or space for him. I haven’t seen him since he came out, but I will be sure to tell him how proud I am of him and how much he means to me.
In Dr. Ron Holt’ presentation, I’ve learned about LGBTQ+ community with more in-depth and updated information. The presentation is well presented with Dr. Ron Holt’s knowledge and personal experience. It is informative and practical. I can utilize this information in a professional setting. I learned about how to approach people who identify with LGBTQ+ with appropriate words and manner; don’t be afraid to ask questions; and apologize when you make a mistake. The scenarios are really good for holding discussion.
Before this presentation I didn’t know so much about this topic and what exactly it was. And now I am clear on it. Thank you for answering so detailed and patiently for every question! I learned what is the LGBTQ and how to distinguish between them; the difficulties and pressures they face; and the proper ways to talk with them like with patients, children , colleagues … with the respectful ways. The presentation was very helpful for me, and I learned a lot during it. It helps me have more objective perspective on LGBTQ community. I learned to get along in a more proper way. I think it would be a big help if I work as an interpreter in the future. Thank you so much!
A very interesting topic and I learn more about LGBTQ+ communities. Should not judge anyone because of gender identity or sex orientation. I learned many different definitions of LGBTQ+, such as queer, lesbian, trans etc; supporting LGBTQ+ communities and will treat them as cisgenders.
The scenarios made me well-informed to terms that I haven’t heard of before. I learned how to respectfully set the stage for a conversation when someone lets me into their personal space. “It isn’t coming out, but rather letting you in.” I’ll be mindful when interacting with the LGBQT culture.
I learned they are NOT coming out to you, they are letting you IN; healthcare is important and should be accessible to everyone regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity; “Treating the anatomy present” is essential for the human health; the importance of asking for preferred pronouns while interpreting and advocating for patients when necessary.
Great presentation. Trans people and other non-binary individuals are marginalized. Be sensitive and be cognizant of people’s pronouns and other preferences.
I learned that people who are part of the LGBTQ+ just want people to be more familiar with their gender orientation and get healthcare like any other people without being judged on their decisions when it comes to their gender. I think I just need to be more open-minded when it comes to meeting people who are part of the LGBTQ+ community. And how to react when someone trusts you and make them feel like you are on their side or keep neutral instead of reacting too fast where I might hurt them more than helping them.
The vignettes presented various scenarios, allowing me to encounter different issues and gain new knowledge from each one. Asking what it means to you instead of making assumption. There are always something behind the stress, as an interpreter, I need to be sensitive to other people’s needs. Never make assumption. I can include my pronoun in pre session so to open door for patients to discuss theirs.
Good examples for thought and pondering and forces one to critically think. Makes one think, I need to get down on this and understand it once and for all and not make assumptions. I would say a good 80% was new to me and I appreciated the education. I learned as interpreters, to use proper terminology for assessment so we are able to help the patient if they are willing. Maybe not at first but with trust, the session can be fruitful for all; educate ourselves to the needs of the LBGTQI+ community. I would think that I will have a whole new outlook into future LBGTQI+ engagements. I would definitely say more with an “open mind”. Having a nephew who declared himself gay and caused much turmoil throughout the family, I know I will be better able to approach and discuss life with him. I have loved him all along and was very close with him as a child. He spent his graduate school years with me away from home before coming out. It’s been 10 years since and I worry for him. I just hope he is happy. The family is very supportive up and down except the older generation. Grandparents have a hard time dealing with it.
Continue supporting and providing good services to people who really need a hand to face reality no matter what. In Dr. Holt’s presentation I learned how to address the people in the LGBT community to avoid misunderstandings or to not make them feel uncomfortable. What impact me was that transgender women experience more violent victimization than the other group. I can imagine how bad they must feel when some people don’t accept them as they are. For that reason, people must take their actions into consideration and have empathy for others no matter who they are.
Thank you for your time and friendliness! Many people are still very new to the topics! Learned so much! Most important thing(s) I learned: People are not always what we all think. For example Male/Female. A person from within may feel like a man in a woman’s body and vice versa. Never judge anyone because they are different from others. Especially when you are entering a room with other people, it is always best to introduce yourself and use your pronouns, so that way other people feel welcomed, and not rejected by others. Continue practicing using pronouns out of respect for people.
Thank you Dr. Holt for this insightful presentation. I learned to not pressure people to come out. Let them know that they can share with you and nothing will change the friendship. It is important to meet clients where they are.
I really appreciated the interactiveness of the presentation. On a more personal level, I appreciated Dr. Ron’s vulnerability and willingness to share his story. Sexual orientation is based on affirmed gender, not what sex they were assigned at birth. Clinical pearl: What can we say to make someone feel safe? As a future interpreter, I’d like to consider how I can support the role of helping the patient be more comfortable to open up. We have to meet the patient where they are at. Something I will use in future interactions is what Dr. Holt recommended: “I’m not familiar with that term, could you help me understand it/I’m wondering what it means to you.”
Really liked the case studies! They simulated the worst possible scenario that could happen. I feel like it’s not as common in San Francisco for things to happen of that nature but I do believe it still can and is underreported. If unsure of someone’s identity or pronouns, just ask and create a safe space for that person. It’s the only way they’ll open up (if they want to, of course). As a future healthcare professional, I am now more aware of sensitive topics when it comes to gender identity and have the tools to treat my patients with the utmost respect. I feel like I can approach these topics without feeling weird myself.
I enjoyed reading the case study about the trans man going into the gynecology clinic. I had never thought about the health disparities regarding trans men who have female anatomy experience. I was so moved by this story that I went home and shared it with my mom. As an aspiring Nurse Practitioner, I will keep in mind what I learned during this class to ensure that everyone I meet receives the care they deserve regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.
Great job, presentation was informative, especially about non binary or non gender conforming individuals. I learned that coming out can be a very traumatic experience. Just because a patient states they are homosexual or heterosexual does not mean that one can assume their sex partners are all one gender and the follow up question of whom do they have intimate relationships with, is an important one to ask.
This is the first time that I really heard of LGBTQIA topic in class. Dr. Holt’s class is very informative and educational. I’m interested to know more about this topic. I learned to be more open-minded, accepting, and understanding towards gender-diverse individuals. I learned how to talk sincerely and respectfully when I come across such an encounter. Everyone should feel safe and supported to explore and express their gender identity and expression without fear of negative consequences. This is the fundamental human right and should be respected.
I feel the struggles of gender-diverse people, they may experience a range of emotions due to the lack of support and acceptance from family, friends, and society as a whole. They should be able to access counseling, educational programs, health care and mental health services as everyone else.
All the vignettes are very common in our daily lives and have symbolic meaning. The lack of understanding to LGBTQ community has caused health inequity, discrimination, abuse, and violence to this group of people who want to decide/live their own lives truly. A choice of their pronouns, a PRIDE sign, a simple supportive conversation, etc, will make a very big difference to create the open and safe spaces for the LGBTQ community. Their choices and decisions should be respected as any human being. I learned that I can show my support to LGBTQ community by recognizing who they are, ensuring that their gender identities or sexual orientation do not affect the relationship between us, respecting their lifestyles and choices. I will increase my awareness of LGBTQ community when I interact with others, by asking people’s pronouns, not making assumptions, asking questions and apologizing if a mistake is made to someone’s identity.
The most important thing I have learned from an interpreter point of view is learning how to choose the right words and different reactions will generate alternative responses. One thing I learned today is to always lend a hand and let people know that you are there for them. Words of reassurance are very impactful to one and sometimes a little extra support goes a long way.
The most important thing I learned is diversified knowledge of LGBTQIA, and some communication skills for interpretation. In this diverse world, respect everyone and be kind to everyone.