City College of San Francisco
LGBTQ+ Medical Case Scenarios: An Experiential Learning Perspective
The presentation consisted of reviewing LGBTQ+ medical case scenarios through the lens of City College of San Francisco medical interpreter students. Due to COVID-19, class was held over zoom. Each of the students read and studied three LGBTQ+ themed vignettes and associated discussion points before class. This allowed for a robust, highly interactive class discussion over zoom on how medical interpreters can collaborate with clinicians in providing more culturally competent care to the LGBTQ+ community.
The audience consisted of medical interpreter students and one graduate student.
Audience feedback/impact of this presentation:
I found the vignettes very eye opening and helpful. When you are explaining how an office can be more inclusive, I realized I’ve never seen inclusivity at an office. Putting out a rainbow flag or changing the sign at an office is so fast and simply and yet it hasn’t happened in every office. Really upsetting.
Impact of session: Being able to practice multiple times how to talk to our coworkers, friends, and loved ones if they need to talk while giving them time to express their feelings in their own time! Having *** express how she would talk to her son made me emotional, because I could really feel the love in her words and if that makes me feel good, I can only imagine what it must be for someone who is really going thru that time in their life.
Do not assume people’s gender identity. I learned how to approach people without offending them.
I really like the three examples. I learned reactions matter. Reacting with love, compassion, and being judgment free saves lives. Do not assume gender and sexuality of others.
The vignettes of the three different stories were well chosen and the questions at the end of each one were very insightful. I think they really left an impression on our minds. The most important thing I learned is that I am now more competent to identify the terms lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, homosexual, and heterosexual. Thanks to this activity, I am now more aware of the importance of treating people ethically, using open-ended questions and gender-neutral language, so that they feel comfortable and safe in case they need to disclose any personal information.
Great presentation with the case studies! Nice sharings! I learned a lot about LBGT topic. I appreciated this learning. I learned what it means to be an LBGTQIA individual; some terms such as genderqueer, internalized homophobia, and internalized transphobia; some open-ended and gender-neutral language can prevent awkward or offensive social situations.
Be more aware and careful when talking to people especially I realize that SF is a very diverse place. Never make assumptions (think before speaking) about a person’s potential queer identity. Always be careful speaking with the sensitive topics. Be careful with the word choices as sometimes its’s easy to take things for granted.
Today’s topic/activity kinda reminds me of an interaction with a previous coworker who I didn’t realize might be a gay. I made some assumption that he’s straight, which created some embassassing/awkward moment – he asked me if I hate gays which made me feel bad…I think I really need to be more aware and open minded (which is easier said then done) in the future in my interatctions with others.
Great! It was great to learn ways in which clinics and places can be made more inclusive and welcoming towards the LGBTQ+ community. It was also nice to learn speech techniques that might help people we know feel safe and comfortable speaking with us about their sexuality and know they won’t be judged. I now have some knowledge of what words to avoid and which are better choices.
Thank you. Do not harm. I’ll remember to be careful.
The beginning of the class was a wonderful ice-breaking moment. It was great to have Dr. Holt’s owns perspective base on his personal life experience. I am very grateful for that.
I learned that premature disclosures can lead to suicidal ideation and great distress or harm. An excellent way to open the door for someone I think is struggling with personal sexual orientation or gender identity is to keep a gender-neutral language and understand how the key is to create a safe and open environment. Finally, do not “out” the person.
As a Spanish medical interpreter, I can make the difference for our LGBTQIA+ community by showing respect to them by the correct use of pronouns and preferred name, not making assumptions about a person’s gender, and creating a safe and open environment.
Dr. Holt explains very well about LGBT. It helps me better understand as an interpreter how to speak to LGBT patients.
I really enjoyed the way the class was. It was easy to follow and easy to learn.
I learned the difference between gay and transexual, the difference between sex and gender and what is the risk of suicide among the LGTB community.
I learned different scenarios and new vocabulary about LGBTQI community. I learned trans can be straight, lesbian, or gay. Some people can notice their gender identity at very young age. Keep an open mind and be compassionate.
Very nice lecture. Information is consistent and relevant. I will definitely look for some of the disparities and barriers pertaining to LGBT healthcare environment.
LGBT people are not treated equally in this society. I would treat LGBT groups equal as other humans in health care facility.
I learned a lot from these vignettes. They were really specific and realistic. I learned how to be a LGBTQ ally to support them and show my love to them. Ways to open the door for a friend, family member, or coworker who is struggling with sexual orientation or gender identity to come out to me. Today’s lesson has change my view, as a healthcare interpreter, what I can do to improve their clinic experience. Respecting and treating LGBTQ patients the way they want to be treated.
I enjoyed all the vignettes, they were very informative and educational. They illustrated different scenarios that allowed us to examine the different outcomes in a medical setting and our role as interpreters in them. I enjoyed the questions and discussions that follow them.
I will be always be open, respectful and supportive of other person’s identity, orientation and sexual expression