NECC 10-03-2017

LGBT Student Case Scenarios: An Experiential Learning Perspective



The presentation consisted of reviewing LGBT student case scenarios through small breakout groups, which allowed an experiential learning perspective. After discussing a particular case as a smaller group, the group would present the case to the whole audience with Dr Holt as the facilitator.

The audience consisted of students, faculty, and community members.

Audience feedback/impact of this presentation:

I have learned not to judge people by their looks. This presentation impacted me with my job, in the future and when I interact with LGBTQ I know how to handle a situation better.-18 y/o M

When you engage in the vignettes it helps process and remember. I learned the rate of suicide attempts for trans students. We need to provide more support for trans students. I will work to ensure campus processes are more open.-38 y/o F

Scenarios made me open my eyes and see how these people are affected. I will make sure I make my classmates comfortable with me and the people around me.- 19 y/o M

Very well done. Learned more about LGBT. Sex = Body. Gender = Mind.- 21 y/o M

Informative presentation. I learned a better understanding of trans, terms, etc. It was good to break into groups. It allowed for more dialogue between those who attended.- F

It was a good presentation. Taught me a lot about the community that I didn’t know about.- 19 y/o M

I don’t like vignettes – but it was an excellent way to get discussion going and I was happy you used that format. I don’t quite understand how to tell if people are trans, but I will be more aware of their struggle and need for acceptance. The presentation had a great impact. We have gay members in our family and my role has gone from accepting to encourage other parents (who are my cousins) to accept their kids- F

Vignettes were great examples for us to learn from. There’s so much more to this than I thought. This will help me become more comfortable and empathetic to others. – 60 y/o F

I learned deeper thoughts on what trans students struggle with and how we can make things easier. I will continue to be more aware about pronoun usage. Ze and zir were new to me.- F

Great presentation. I learned about gender identity. I liked the information provided today.- 43 y/o M

Friendly environment and interesting information. I learned terminology. More awareness and more comfortable. Thank you!- F

I learned the difference between trans and being bi or gay. Just treat people like they are no different than others.- 20 y/o F

I learned stats on suicides. Sex is the body and gender is the mind. You reinforce why I wear my rainbow pin everyday. The younger generation thanks me and my generation asks good questions.- 68 y/o F

Everyone is created equal.- 18 y/o M

Good learning environment given by speaker. I learned what gender dysphoria was. I didn’t know it was a thing before today. I had some things confused before, but now mostly all cleared up.- 18 y/o F

CCSF 4-8-2017


LGBT Medical Case Scenarios: An Experiential Learning Perspective


The presentation consisted of reviewing LGBT medical case scenarios through the lens of medical interpreter students. The class divided into small breakout groups, which allowed an experiential learning perspective. After discussing a particular case as a smaller group, the group would present the case to the whole audience with Dr. Holt as the facilitator.

The audience consisted of medical interpretor students. Afterwards we had a book signing for both of the books PRIDE.

Audience feedback/impact of this presentation:

Good speaker! I learned the differences between sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender non conformity, and gender dysphoria. I know more how to respond or answer to some matters regarding LGBTQ issues- 39 y/o F

Presentation was really good. I really enjoyed your presentation. Honestly, I wasn’t interested in this topic before your book and presentation. I read your book just because my teacher requested us to do that. However, I think differently about LGBTQ afterwards. I now can sympathize and understand how unlucky they are. I can define clearly now sex, gender, and sexual orientation.- 38 y/o F

Thank you so much, Dr Holt. I felt so honored that you came to speak to our class. I enjoyed your openness and teaching style. I learned 1. I don’t have to put a label on someone; 2. Sex is the body but gender is the mind; and 3. As a healthcare professional, I need to be aware that the LGBTQ community is at higher risk for depression, anxiety, substance abuse, low self esteem, and suicidal thoughts.- 61 y/o F

It’s a very impressive and informative lecture. I learned different terms to describe pt’s sexuality and gender. I have a better understanding about LGBT.- 37 y/o F

The vignettes were all very thought out and complex situations that many might misinterpret. I thought it was really neat how Dr. Holt broke everything down for us and was open to any questions. I definitely learned a lot of new vocabulary words, medical terms, and about the use of pronouns. I learned about the dangers of ignorance and homophobia. Also how simple it can be to simply ask the person general questions to make them feel so much better. The presentation will impact the way I talk to people and not base assumptions on people’s physical characteristics or behaviors. I also really appreciated learning how to reach out to someone and simply let them know that you are there for them for whatever reason and that you still love them.- 24 y/o F

Great book and presentation. Really sensitive oriented. I will be more respectful.- F

Very great way to help build awareness about LGBTQ community! I learned that LGBTQ people are all different. After today’s activities, I realized I have to be extra careful when speaking with anyone I encounter.- 27 y/o F

While listening to Ron’s lecture, it reminded me of many old friends who had identity issues. They were confused who they were and I didn’t know how to assist them and I regretted it so much. I wish I would have known Ron and asked him to help my friends. I learned to always have a solution to solve a problem, be open minded, and ask open ended questions. I feel Ron’s book will be one of the best resources to heal LGBTQ people.- 52 y/o F

Actually this was the first time I was in such an open discussion about LGBTQ. I’m so glad that I had such an opportunity to learn so much about LGBTQ. I believe there are many people in society who never have any opportunity to know more about LGBTQ. I am a registered nurse and grew up in chinese culture society. I never got any chance to learn about LGBTQ before.- F

It’s a wonderful speech and good community discussion. I learned how to respect people with different gender. There are a lot of things for us to improve on and be aware of.- 43 y/o F

Very good as I learned a lot through discussion. I learned many new words (closet, down low, etc) and also learned the definitions of sex, gender, etc. It clears my mind on how to differentiate between words.- 40 y/o F

KCU 10-3-2016

Obstacles in Obtaining Culturally Competent LGBT Healthcare: A Panel’s Perspective


The panel presentation was part of a diversity lecture series sponsored by the Advocates for Diversity in Medicine (ADM) student club. A panel representative of the LGBTQ community discussed their healthcare experiences and obstacles to receiving culturally competent care. Dr. Holt served as the panel’s moderator and assisted with audience questions.

The audience consisted of first and second year medical students, faculty, staff, and bioscience students.

Audience feedback/ impact/ things learned from presentation:

Very helpful!!! As someone who grew up in a traditional Christian household, this helped me understand the community that I have been ignorant about, but want to serve. I have learned a significant amount about how the LGBT community thinks. Not only about medicine, but how they feel about themselves. This had helped me learn how to approach these patients appropriately.- 23 y/o M

Really informative and eye-opening. Overall, a really valuable use of one hour and I wish it was in the regular curriculum. I will be more careful and conscious of how I approach interactions with patients and other professionals.- 23 y/o F

Humbling; informative; an absolute privilege to listen to the panel. Not conforming to heteronormative cultural standards in NOT a moral failure. I will try to be conscious of the terrible neglect the LGBTQ community have faced in a medical office.- 25 y/o M

I am a politically and religiously conservative doctor-to-be, but I want to better understand every patient and person that I may encounter in practice and in life. I plan to try to be sensitive, patient, and open minded in my practice with every patient that walks into my office.- 23 y/o F

I was looking forward to this to see this unique perspective. I was shocked with the statistics. I can’t believe physicians would neglect LGBTQ care for personal beliefs. Very educational. I enjoyed and would like to see more events like this.- 27 y/o M

I learned to add gender identity and sexual orientation questions to check-in form; educate LGBT patients on how to navigate insurance coverage; and age at which children can identify as LGBT. I will be much more cognizant of LGBT concerns and issues and more confident in my ability to work with LGBT patients.- 26 y/o M

A very informative session. Had a little bit of an idea of the discrimination against LGBT community, but had no idea how much there was. I learned very good tips about how physicians can approach these patients.- 23 y/o F

I learned how to ask open-ended questions when treating the LGBT population. I have more awareness and respect now.- F

Great panel. This is the third one I’ve been to. I learned to be aware of terminology/pronouns, make sure to leave judgment behind and be open to learning about different lifestyles.- 28 y/o F

Amazing panel. I will make an effort to be a better advocate/ally of the LGBTQ community – especially in healthcare settings.- 24 y/o M

Very informative and opened my eyes. I learned how to approach treating LGBT patients. Be open minded and non judgmental.- 26 y/o M

Great presentation! Very powerful testimony and I am extremely appreciative of the insight into the LGBTQ community. I learned to be empathetic and inclusive to all patients. Do not assume and treat everyone with respect.- 22 y/o M

So thankful these people were willing to be vulnerable to share their stories. I learned the stats of the gross undercare of the LGBTQ community. I will advocate for the healthcare of everyone within my own office and within my profession.- 29 y/o F

Different people with the same issues may identify with them differently. I learned to never get complacent with care. This taught me to be more observant and attentive to the emotional and mental distress of others. Something as simple as a pronoun can make all the difference in a patients care.- 28 y/o F

Today had a big impact on me because every speaker was very sincere and truly wanted to help us learn and understand how to have a better impact on their health. Thank you for being willing to tell us your stories.- 24 y/o F

Very diverse and knowledgeable panel. Thank you for all of your info. I now understand the disconnect trans people have with their bodies. This isn’t something I have thought a lot about. I will be way more careful with my use of pronouns in a clinical setting or in my personal life.- 30 y/o F

Great panel and info – especially for people like me from small towns with very limited LGBT interaction. I will be much more aware of tone/body language in dealing with LGBT patients.- 25 y/o F

I will really be careful with the pronouns I use and make sure I stay educated every year.- 24 y/o F

I’m now even more encouraged to be an ally for the LGBT community in every day life and in the practice of medicine.- 23 y/o F

Thank you! This panel brought up huge discrepancies that exist in the medical field that I had not previously thought of. I appreciated the panelists’ honesty and knowledge. I will think about tone/language with patients more.- 24 y/o F

I thought this panel was very informative for my future as a doctor. I learned to always be open and never assume. I will definitely work to be more inclusive and understanding.- 25 y/o F

Very appreciative of everyone’s openness and being willing to share experiences. I will try to be aware of my biases and attempt to phrase things in a way that can be more inclusive.- 28 y/o M

Very helpful. All speakers were very knowledgable and gave good insight into a topic that requires very close care. I learned to be very cautious about tone and the words you say. It means a lot to LGBT patients. I’m much more cautious and aware of problems in LGBT community in regards to their health care needs.- 25 y/o M

Very informative. I learned how to ask and obtain proper info from the patient without making them feel uncomfortable. I will spread the word and support with the medical community on treating LGBT community with respect and proper care.- 23 y/o F

Physicians are a part of the problem when we should be a part of the solution. I will make sure I hold not only myself, but my colleagues as well, responsible for the little things to make all patients feel comfortable.- 24 y/o F

I learned gender identity and orientation are innate. Listen to the patient and make their concerns the top priority. Your patients need your help, and it is imperative that you show them that is the most important thing to you.-22 y/o F

I really liked the stats about depression and suicide as it makes you think about things you didn’t. Really liked the info about making the office more friendly with reading material and flyers to make them feel comfortable.- 24 y/o M

I learned to keep an open mind when interacting with LGBT individuals. I’ve always been pretty open minded and this just further solidified my notion.- 21 y/o M

Thank you so much for this educational experience. I need to be aware of my tone and choice of words with all patients.- 24 y/o M

Great learning experience. I learned legal obligations when treating LGBT population.- 28 y/o M

I learned language is very important to think about – especially with LGBT patients. This was an extremely helpful panel that motivates me to learn about LGBT health and how I can be a better ally to others.- 24 y/o F

Very informative. The panel style was engaging. I learned to be inclusive, be kind, be informed and seek out education.- 22 y/o F

Wonderful, diverse panel. I learned there is great disparity in treatment of LGBT patients from one clinical setting to the next. I need to leave judgment behind and use judgment in diagnostics only. NOT in judging someone’s social/cultural identity.-23 y/o F

I learned how doctors can take simple actions to be more accommodating and make sure our patients feel comfortable. This panel has opened my mind in how I can display my open-mindedness.- 23 y/o F

Informative panel. Learned a lot and the importance of leaving judgement behind and being open minded. I learned how to behave and interact with future LGBT patients so as to not be patronizing and to always be supportive.- 22 y/o F

I learned how important it is for physicians to be all-inclusive and unbiased towards members of the LGBTQIA community, and acknowledging when to apologize for being incorrect and/or offensive towards patients who don’t fit into the typical gender binary.- 21 y/o gender fluid

As a sister, cousin, and niece to members of the LGBT community, I am very happy to see the progress that has occurred in recent years; however, I think there is still so much that needs done to make LGBT individuals feel truly safe and accepted in their communities. I worry for my family and others being discriminated against when receiving the healthcare all people deserve. I just hope my fellow colleagues can also be accepting as future doctors.- 24 y/o F

This lecture was really enlightening. I learned the importance of language, wording, etc. I think this lecture just further punctuated being aware of what you say and how you act with patients.- 23 y/o F

This panel was incredibly informative. I learned to be sensitive of others (LGBT) with things as simple as tone or word choice. Also, self education is critical. I understand that I have a lot of work to do, myself and my colleagues, to give LGBT patients the care they deserve.- 24 y/o M

Excellent panel! I will definitely have an open mind and enhance my education in treating patients in the LGBTQ community.- 26 y/o M

Loved it! I will be much better equipped in working with LGBT patients.- 23 y/o F

I learned ways in which to make the work place feel like a safe environment. This will definitely help me to feel more confident and relaxed during my interactions with members of the LGBT community.- 23 y/o M