LGBTQ+ Medical Case Scenarios: An Experiential Learning Perspective
This presentation consisted of reviewing LGBTQ+ medical case scenarios through the lens of City College of San Francisco medical interpreter students. Due to COVID-19, class was held over zoom. Each of the students read and studied three LGBTQ+ themed vignettes and associated discussion points before class. This allowed for a robust, highly interactive class discussion over zoom on how medical interpreters can collaborate with clinicians in providing more culturally competent care to the LGBTQ+ community.
The audience consisted of medical interpreter students.
Audience feedback/impact of this presentation:
Thank you so much Dr. Holt for a wonderful presentation. During my time in school and medical field I have not experienced such a deep, detailed, and informative presentation on LGBTQI. It blows my mind on how much I learned today, words that I was not sure off, and you made everything so clear and easy to understand. Enjoyed how you kept the class active and allowed for group discussion vs sitting down and just listening. You are an amazing teacher/Dr. and full of knowledge on this topic. Thank you for your valuable time! The most important thing I learned today was not just one thing but many. I am more informed on how to approach a person with different gender identity. Also being able to know the definition of all words that relate to a person was so helpful. For years I was confused on these definitions and did not know how to respond but now I am more aware and know what the description of the word is. (For example, sexual orientation, gender nonconformity and gender dysphoria). This allows me to engage more with that person and make them feel comfortable, secured, and important. The impact of todays class was being more open minded of all different ways that a person can relate to. This will allow me to interpret better and refer to the patient the right way to make them feel comfortable and to help that patient out even more vs not knowing how to refer to them or what they might be going through. Not everyone is knowledgeable on how to treat LGBTQI people and feel like they are alone in the world. Being able to have this understanding changes the way we see each other and be able to pass that word on so more people know and understand with out judging. ***
I enjoyed the presentation completely. Dr. Holt was very informative, easy to understand and open. I learned: I obtained clarity on “gender” (biological) and “sexual orientation” (a person’s preference and how they identify themselves). Another important topic covered was gender dysphoria and the possible consequences. The facts presented helped me realize that not only do I need to practice humility between cultures, it is also very important for me to check my biases when it comes to how each person identifies themselves. Everyone deserves the same respect and I also will continue to educate myself in this area. ***
Dr. Holt has a great voice and is a natural presenter. The vignettes he provided were incredibly helpful, without which our understanding wouldn’t have deepened. His work is important for anyone studying to enter the health care industry. I learned: I didn’t think I’d learn much as over a third of my friends are LGBT. But I certainly did. I’ve learnt the challenges LGBTQIA people face in medical settings – it had never quite occurred to me. I’m sure these insensitivities still exist somewhere in SF Bay Area when health care staff are not well-trained. Unimaginable in the conservative parts of the country. Since I’ll be serving primarily the Chinese population and the older LGBTQIA among them are still mostly in the shadow, for instance, one of my close friends is a middle-aged Chinese male who has always had a close relationship with his mother and yet his sexuality has never been revealed or discussed, I shall exercise even more care when assisting these men and women. ***
Vignettes are very detailed and interesting. Felt like they described what LGBTQIA people are going through. I learned: The health disparities that LGBTQIA people encounter everywhere including in health care and how it affects them profoundly when seeking medical advice or treatment. I familiarized myself with terms used and will be able to be respectful when addressing LGBTQIA people. Will be attentive to degradation or privacy violations. Also, inequalities that occur within the medical field, including other parts of the country with less resources, should be reason to propose laws/bills that allow LGBTQIA people to receive quality care and services. This activity encouraged me to advocate and support LGBTQIA human rights. I will be more sensitive when referring to the LGBTQIA community. ***
It was a great learning experience. It highlighted things that as a heterosexual person I would not think twice about like the importance of pronouns, or the difference between gender, sex, and sexual orientation. I learned how at-risk transgender people are and how important it is to create a save and inclusive space for everyone. I will be more mindful of the language I use and try to educate myself not to make people feel excluded or offend anyone out of ignorance. ***
I think it was a very straight forward presentation to clarify/know the basics, but most important aspects of those who are trans. I learned: Respect is the most important. Be open when I do not know what a gender denomination means. Since I’m on the shy side, I’m always shamed to ask for more information if the other person does not disclose it to me, but here I learned that are ways to live a safe open door incase somebody would like to express the real person. ***
All the case studies are really good. We had a lot of good discussions among our group and learned a lot from all the cases. I learned: A person being transgender doesn’t mean they have gone through the surgery and a MTF transgender that is interested in men shouldn’t be identified as gay. ***
Before today’s lecture I only heard LGBT and now I learned LGBTQIA. Very good lecture and Dr. Ron Holt’s passion for teaching us how to treat these groups of people with respect and love. Dr. Holt taught us how to address and to affirm a transgender during her Pap smear check. To assure that I am affirming of the patient’s gender and explained the procedure is to check the anatomy is present. To make the patient feel safe is priority. Show love and respect to others regardless of their choices for being themselves. ***
Never make assumption on anyone’s gender identity or gender orientation. Confidentiality. Never disclose any information you learn about the person to others without their permission. Understand that they are sharing this with you because they trust YOU, not your friends or family members. Never judge a book by its cover. To learn how to create a safe environment for others to open themselves to you. Stay open-minded and know that our words have impact on others as much as they have on us. ***
It is a really interesting talk and clarify a lot of misconception that I had it before. Dr. Holt has interacting with the class and make it more fun. I really enjoyed it. I learned what it is mean by straight, gay. The meaning of trans-gender. Why it is important to introduce myself to another person by pronouns. ***
They were complex and full of new terminology that I was not 100% familiar with. The questions were also complex and had to read it a couple of times to grasp the meaning. I learned: Do not assume anyone’s pronouns, sexual orientation, and/or gender identity. Is safe to respectfully ask if I do not know. Was a positive impact on me as it amplified the understanding of how someone’s identify his/her/themselves and part of the struggle his/her/they have to go through to be accepted by society. I will be more patient, open, and empathetic when meeting new people. ***
Great management of information and knowledge of the subject. I learned: Knowing the different genders and sexualities, which will help me personally to understand and accept each person as they want to be or appear without judging or offending. On the contrary, it makes me more kind and gentle when understanding what everything is about. Study cases in the breakout room was good because it gave me the opportunity to discuss a situation with others with different views and cultures. ***
This is a very meaningful lesson and learned a lot of LGBTQI topic. I learned: how to address someone’s gender better in a more respectful way. I learned to not make an assumption on someone’s gender based on their appearance and how to handle when someone reveal his/her/they gender to me. ***
It was quite challenging to answer the questions for each vignette because I was not very familiar about this topic and I did not have too many chances with the LGBTQIA population. So, it was difficult to come up with an answer because I was not sure if that’s the right action to do it or not. I learned: Know the differences between gender identity and sexual orientation. Always no assumption. Respect people all the way because we never know what others had gone through. Treat people equally and treat them in the way that they want. ***